About the Site
This website was created as a class assignment for the college course CGS 2820 Web Development as a way to practice and learn more about HTML and CSS, and in the end showcase my skills and what I have learned. I look forward to this project and hope to learn a lot from it. I hope you enjoy the site and find it informative.
I am currently a Computer Programming and Analysis major at SCF. Previously, I was studying Computer Engineering at UCF, but out of convenience and a change of heart, I moved to a college closer to home and changed majors. I really enjoy this program and truly love programming and creation. I am also considering exploring this major further and will most likely try to advance it in the future to a B.S. equivalent.
Currently, I am learning and practicing HTML. I have some experience with Python, AutoCAD, and Microsoft Office. I have a certification in AutoDesk Inventor and Microsoft Word, and intend to get another in Excel. I also intend to expand my knowledge of programming by adding more languages to what I know.
I am a very quick learner and love to ask questions because understanding how and why things are done is important to me.
I like to be a team player, being helpful, doing what is needed, and I can confidently say that I usually get along with everyone.
Though I can be a bit talkative and energetic, I think those are great qualities to have when socializing and taking care of customers and clientele. I can multitask well and am decent at collecting information(both verbal and other) from my surroundings, which is a great asset to have in a fast-paced environment.
I am also hispanic and though Spanish is not my first language, I have an ear for it and can speak fluently.

Volunteer Work
I used to volunteer at South West Florida Therapy Animals before they closed due to COVID, which led to low support and funding. I am currently part of and also help teach at an after-school club called Good News Club.
I am invested in reading. I read a wide variety of genres and styles, from little comics and manga to a few informational books and sites here and there. Science fiction is currently my favorite genre. I tend to have a creative side too; I occasionally sketch and paint, as well as play a few instruments. I have even dabbled in a bit of writing, but I am currently focusing on my college work right now. When I am not reading, I might be spending time with my family, playing video games, or possibly both. I like spending time with my family and doing many things together such as traveling and playing board games.